A God to Pharaoh

Pastor Femi Olawale • Jun 13, 2022

A God to Pharaoh

Published on Jun 13, 2022

"And the LORD said unto Moses, See, I have made thee a god to Pharaoh: and Aaron your brother shall be your prophet" - Exodus 7:1
Moses went into Pharaoh who rebuffed him and despised the Lord that sent him:
“. . . .Who is the LORD, that I should obey his voice to let Israel go? I know not the LORD, neither will I let Israel go” Exodus 5:2
Little did Moses realize he was confronting the powers and gods of Egypt for the release of Israel from their bondage of four hundred and thirty years. Pharaoh, the world power of their time, refused to let go whilst hardening his heart against every appeal. Pharaoh raised opposition through the magician of Egypt as well as invoking their gods against Moses and the elders of Israel.
It became necessary for God to intervene at the cry of Moses. God demonstrated His Lordship to the world superpower by making Moses a god to Pharaoh. Men naturally serve, reverence and hold a god in high esteem. Men equally consult the gods to receive instructions to know what to do for both the present and future. The word of the gods is usually final. By implication, both Pharaoh and his magicians had to bow and reverence the man-god Moses who was no longer an ordinary man. Little wonder they cried out as Moses operated as a god: “. . . How long shall this man be a snare unto us?. . . Egypt is destroyed. . .“ (Exodus 10:7)
Confrontations, challenges, distractions from authorities, powers, home-front, marriages, workplace, ministry etc can constitute a type of pharaoh. But God is about to make you a god to whatever would constitute itself as a roadblock in your assignment this year if only you can cry to him like Moses did (Exodus 6:30). Daniel became a god to the authorities in Babylon and Persia, with testimonies of him possessing the spirit of the holy gods (Daniel 4:8,9). Kings practically worshiped him in reverence of his God (Daniel 2:46) and those who despised him paid dearly for it. Mordecai and Israel became untouchable to their predator, Haman who despised the man made a god did so to his own peril. He was hanged on the very gallows he made for the purpose of executing “god-Mordecai”.
This season, the Lord will make you a god to your situations and circumstances of life to showcase His Lordship to your world.
TODAY, if you will believe God for your situation and allow Him to demonstrate His Lordship through you, He will make you a god to whatever issue of life that may be confronting you. Those situation will bow before your God and you will be a god-man.